Is it necessary to actively exercise your cat? Though the initial inclination might be to doubt this concept, the reality is though cats are independent and seem to entertain themselves, a lack of strenuous and consistent exercise has very negative physical effects on felines. Often if they are not led into activity, cats can grow unmotivated and lazy, leading to obesity and diabetes, etc. Cat owners ought to invest in the mental and physical wellbeing of their pet by engaging with them in learning new tricks, trying games, and going on outings together. By implementing short spurts of physical activity, a cat will be able to get the exercise he needs to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Helpful Playing & Exercising Tips

Humans often struggle on boundaries when playing with their cats, in how they can interact with them, while maintaining control of the situation. Cats often behave as if they are the decision makers; if they not in the mood to do something, they will refuse to engage. They can also tend to take playing too far by scratching and biting, which will require patience and dedicated training from the owner.  Usually this kind of bad behavior comes from a cat becoming over excited about the game, in which case it would be advisable to stop, and direct the kitty’s attention to another area.

Walk Your Cat: It is not common to associate cats with leashes and long walks in the park, yet taking your kitty for stroll in the sunshine is a great way to add exercise to your daily routine. Cats enjoy their independence and freedom to come and go as they please, but many cat owners have found that with a little practice and patience, felines become much more accepting of going on walks with their owner. This will not only ensure that you both enjoy time in the great outdoors, but it will certainly be a conversation starter too!

Buy a Cat Tower or Tree:
A great way to inspire your kitty to climb, is to provide some feline furniture to play on. With multiple level s of carpeted structures, cats can practice jumping, stretching and scratching, to keep their muscles and joints active and healthy.

Get a Playmate:   For cats that seem to lack motivation to move or play sufficiently on a daily basis, sometimes bringing in another kitty will change this dynamic of lethargy. When there is another creature to engage with or chase around, it can be easier for a cat to incorporate regular exercise. If the playtime among multiple cats ever escalates into high energy fighting, biting or wrestling, one way to dispel the problem is to throw a blanket over the battling crowd. This will protect the owner from physical intervention that could result in scratched arms and legs, and will force the kittens to end the squabble. Usually the cats will disentangle themselves quickly and escape from under the blanket, and a potential crisis will be averted.

Bouncy Balls: Watch a cat chase after a ball as it bounces between walls and surfaces. This can be a fun way for a kitty to interact with her surrounding while scampering after a sphere that never seems to stop moving.

Laser lights: Another great way to get your cat to not only run around in delight, but also jump to impressive heights, is to play with a laser light. Send your kitty racing after the wiggly little red dot that appears on the couch pillow, then the on the wall, and on the ceiling. The mysterious light will have your cat captivated endlessly, and witnessing the chase will provide ample hilarity and entertainment for all.

Kitty Fishing Poles: This toy allows the owner to lead the cat around in a thrilling chase after a fish, or feather on the end of a string, while staying far from his claws. Some of the fishing pole toys can connect to walls or hang from cupboards so that anytime your cat is passing by, he can bat at the toy, or leap and lunge for it as he pleases.

Remote Control Toys: It is no secret that cats are enticed by anything small that moves around, thus remote control toys may be just the ticket to keep your cat on his paws. Watch your kitty hunt after a remote control mouse that wanders wherever you decide. Owners can enjoy playing with their cats by having the mouse hide, or they can change up the game by chasing the cat around with the mouse itself! In any case, these toys are guaranteed to get your kitten running around the room.

Tunnels: Cats love fitting into small spaces and exploring new areas. Narrow tunnels made from light fabric provide an excellent way for cats to wrestle with and roll around this transportable playground.   They also may be inclined to venture in the tunnel more often if they see tempting toys inside.

Cat Wheels & Treadmills: In the winter months where there are limited hours of sunlight and disappointingly low temperatures, pets can get a full cardio work out with mini exercise wheels. These are easy to set up in the home, and provide an instant opportunity for a cat to run intermittently indoors, when the weather outside is frightful.