Whether you are more inclined to a feisty Jack Russell, a spunky Yorkie, or you dream of having your very own mini “Toto” to carry in a picnic basket, here are a few reminders as to why terrier pups have completely won over our hearts!

They like cuddling with teddy bears!

Terrier pups are all about community. These two snuggly guys are committed to the buddy system.

Terriers understand the horror of getting caught in the rain… and the necessity of reliable wet weather gear.

They appreciate getting pampered at the beauty parlor!  (NOTE:  this image HAS to be cheesy/staged to be funny!)

Terriers know how to kick back and relax at the beach…

…AND romp in the snow!

Terriers are speedy runners, and are hard to catch!

But if it’s time to be a couch potato, they know how to do that too.

Terriers like this Westie are patient and loyal, and would eagerly wait for their owners all day!

Sometimes terrier pups are so little, they can fit right in your hand (or in your purse!)

We love terriers because terriers love us!